Ilford HP5 Plus 400 In A Minolta Dynax 8000i

Some time ago I was lucky enough to be gifted an elderly but still functional, Minolta Dynax 8000i fitted with a 35-80mm zoom lens.

This camera brought back many fond memories for me as one of the first 35mm cameras I ever owned was a Minolta Hi-Matic 7s, purchased for my OE back in the early 70s.

Ilford HP5 Plus 400 In A Minolta Dynax 8000i

This collection of photographs was captured on Ilford HP5 Plus 400 during the same time frame as those taken with my Canon EOS1000F.

In my opinion, it is worth comparing the two collections, as I feel the photos from the Minolta are closer to what I was expecting from the Ilford than those shot using the Canon.

However, as I am not a fim photography expert, I’d be interested to hear what you think.

Sculpture of a seal in Queens Park, Invercargill, New Zealand
A view over the back fence – roofers on a neighbours house
The backside of a commercial building – Invercargill
Queens Park rotunda
Central Block, Old Dee Steet Hospital – Invercargill
No right turn – Invercargill
New Zealand is a country of road cones!
Chimney pot planter – Invercargill
Burt Munro sculpture – Invercargill
Bridge over the duckpond, Queens Park – Invercargill
Alley Cat Tattoo – Invercargill
Abstract sculpture, Queens Park – Invercargill
  • Camera used – Minolta Dynax 8000i with 35-80 zoom;
  • Film used – Ilford HP5 Plus 400;
  • Film developed in a commercial lab;
  • Negatives scanned to TIFF format with Epson v370 scanner;
  • Resized and converted to jpeg format using DxO Photolab 6.

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