postcards from the north island pohutu geyser

Beautiful Postcards From The North Island – Part 2

postcards from the north island pohutu geyser

Is it really two months since I posted my first collection of Postcards From The North Island? Mmmm – yes it is!

The first collection was published here on June 21, and in spite of my best intentions there have been no further Postcards From The North Island.

However, after 3 months and just over 5,600 kilometres on the road, we are back home in Invercargill and I now have time to go through all my photographs and organise another collection of Postcards From The North Island – this collection being Part 2.

If you have been following some of the other stories I have posted here, you may have seen some of these images before – although presented a little differently from the “postcards” shown here.

And unlike Postcards Part 1, these are arranged in chronological order, and follow our journey from Taranaki up to Hawkes Bay.

Postcards from the North Island Part 2

(Click on any image to see larger versions) 

Postcards From The North Island – Part 3 will follow here sometime soon, as will another story about our favourite freedom camping sites.

P.S. I am very pleased to now feature at #17 in Feedspot’s Top 35 New Zealand Photography Blogs. 

All photographs taken with a Panasonic Lumix G95 mirrorless camera, and processed with DxO Photolab and the Nik Collection.

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