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Its Important To Take Bad Pictures Sometimes

    Diane Arbus, a doyen of black and white photography, once said “It’s important to take bad pictures”, the rationale being that by recognising bad pictures we will understand what makes good pictures. She also said, “I’ve never taken

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a brief excursion to wellington

A Brief Excursion To Wellington

  We were very lucky that New Zealand, except for Auckland, moved from Covid Alert Level 3 to Level 2 at one minute to midnight, Tuesday 7th September. Lucky because Lyn and I were due to fly out of Invercargill

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crane on a construction site reaching towards the sky

Candid Street Photography

I’ve never really tackled any candid street photography before, but an opportunity arose recently so I took a crack at it. There is a major redevelopment underway in the heart of my hometown Invercargill. When I say major that’s exactly

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