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The Octagon Dunedin

AI and The Olympus Trip 35

What do AI and the Olympus Trip 35 have in common? Well – nothing really, but please bear with me and read on. Maybe it’s because I am part of the older generation that resists change, but I have a

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A Quick Look At Nik Collection 7

Having just arrived home after being on the road in our motorhome for the best part of 5 months I was very keen to get stuck into a couple of things in particular:  I had treated myself to a new

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15 fine art luts

DxO Photolab 7 – 15 Fine Art LUTs

As I haven’t posted any stories for a while, I decided to spend some time “under the hood” of Photolab 7 so to speak to lean a little bit more about presets and LUTs. What’s the difference between a preset

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learn to love your own photos

Learn To Love Your Own Photos

Do you often look at other photographers’ work- whether on the web or in magazines or books? AND…compare your own photos with theirs? When it comes to assessing our own photography I think that we are, more often than not,

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Is It Okay To Shoot In Auto Mode?

Have you ever wondered when is it okay to shoot in auto mode – whether setting your camera P-mode, or Auto, or in the case of my Panasonic – iA mode? I’m sure that we’ve all heard –  or been

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Breathe Old Life Into New Photos

I bet you found your way to this story by searching for “how to breathe new life into old photos”. What you’ve found is a story about how to breathe old life into new photos! However, you got here –

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