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Breathe Old Life Into New Photos

I bet you found your way to this story by searching for “how to breathe new life into old photos”. What you’ve found is a story about how to breathe old life into new photos! However, you got here –

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My Love-Hate Relationship WIth On1 Photo RAW

My Love-Hate Relationship With On1 Photo RAW. I have had an ongoing love-hate relationship with On1 Photo RAW for several years now – seven in fact – well it’s really eight years as the relationship started with On1 Photo 10

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old chimney standing on the rocky kaikoura foreshore

Is Nik Collection 6 The Best Yet?

Almost a year ago I wrote a story about 6 reasons to use Nik Collection 5, and a few days ago DxO released the latest version of the Nik Collection – but is Nik Collection 6 the best yet? I’m

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otago harbour - reasons to try dxo photolab 6

5 Great Reasons To Try DxO Photolab 6

Back in late October I asked the question “Is it worth upgrading to On1 Photo RAW 2023?” and came to the conclusion that at least in my case the answer was no. More recently I asked myself a similar question

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old shed in a paddock

6 Reasons To Use Nik Collection 5

Before I get to the 6 reasons to use Nik Collection 5 – first things first. What is the Nik Collection? The Nik Collection is arguably one of the most comprehensive collections of plugins, or stand-alone apps, for corrective and

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