aperture priority nz

Aperture Priority NZ is collection of photographs and stories by New Zealand photographer Rick Harvey.

the latest story...

The Octagon Dunedin

AI and The Olympus Trip 35

What do AI and the Olympus Trip 35 have in common? Well – nothing really, but please bear with me and read on. Maybe it’s because I am part of the older generation that resists change, but I have a mistrust of, almost

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more from the aperture priority nz blog

5 great things about the MacBook Air M3

5 Great Things About The MacBook Air M3

Shortly I’ll share 5 great things about the MacBook Air M3 after having been using mine for a while now, but first a bit of background. A few months ago I was faced with the prospect of having to replace

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A Quick Look At Nik Collection 7

Having just arrived home after being on the road in our motorhome for the best part of 5 months I was very keen to get stuck into a couple of things in particular:  I had treated myself to a new

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stories from the road - motorhoming in new zealand

Postcards From The North Island

Postcards From The North Island Growing up I remember listening to a radio programme by Alistair Cook called Letter From America. I loved his mellifluous voice, and the stories he told, and often thought it would be wonderful to be

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ferry reserve as seen from the old manawatu gorge bridge

Ferry Reserve Freedom Camping Area

  Back in April I wrote a story called Our Favourite Freedom Camping Sites – Part 1. This isn’t Part 2 – that is still to come – probably after we finish our jaunt around the lower half of the

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black and white

from the street

matters of opinion

hello - i'm rick harvey

Apertureprioritynz.com is my space on the ‘net where I share photography-related stories and many of the images I take, and as my blog title suggests, I shoot primarily in aperture priority mode.

I often debate with myself whether this photo blog drives my photography, or whether my photography drives my photo blog. Whichever way round it is, I take photographs for fun, and my primary goal is to create pictures that please me – and if they please you when you come to visit here, then that is so much better.

Here at AperturePriorityNZ I use cookies on my website – but only to track who drops in to visit. I don’t store any personal data.

Read my Cookie Policy here.