aperturerioritynz - lowburn


A collection of photographs, stories and random thoughts by New Zealand photographer Rick Harvey

More stories from Aperture Priority NZ

On1 Effects – Less Is More

On1 Effects – Less Is More

I’ve been semi-housebound lately as some damage I sustained to my right hip in a fall a year ago has flared up and has prevented me from getting out and about to take photographs.

So instead I have spent my time revisiting my love-hate relationship with On1 Photo RAW 2024, and in the process decided that with just On1 Effects, less is more.

Black and white

Matters of Opinion

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Hello – I’m Rick Harvey

Apertureprioritynz.com is my space on the ‘net where I share photography-related stories and many of the images I take. As my blog title suggests, I shoot primarily in aperture priority mode.

I often debate with myself whether this photo blog drives my photography, or whether my photography drives my photo blog. Whichever way round it is, I take photographs for fun, and my primary goal is to create pictures that please me – and if they please you when you come to visit here, then that is so much better.

Read more about me