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ferry reserve as seen from the old manawatu gorge bridge

Ferry Reserve Freedom Camping Area

  Back in April I wrote a story called Our Favourite Freedom Camping Sites – Part 1. This isn’t Part 2 – that is still to come – probably after we finish our jaunt around the lower half of the

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Postcards From The North Island

Postcards From The North Island Growing up I remember listening to a radio programme by Alistair Cook called Letter From America. I loved his mellifluous voice, and the stories he told, and often thought it would be wonderful to be

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Roads Less Travelled - A tui feasting on flax at the Bluff Hill Lookout

Roads Less Travelled

As we spent Christmas at home this year, and as the weather was really kind to us, we decided to do a few day trips on roads less travelled (by us anyway) in Southland. Roads less travelled – just an

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Jackson Bay Sandflies Are Huge!

The Jackson Bay sandflies are huge…. But this is not actually a sandfly. It is a urepetala carovei…a New Zealand bush giant dragonfly. This incredible flying machine can grow up to 86mm long and have a wingspan of 130mm. We

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Oamaru – More Than Meets The Eye

More than meets the eye We’ve been back from our last motorhome trip for over two weeks now, and it was only yesterday that I finally got around to checking some of the photographs I had taken since leaving the

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I’ve Gone Full Circle With Lumix

Well, it seems that with the recent purchase of my new micro four-thirds Panasonic I’ve gone full circle with Lumix. Eight days ago New Zealand went into Covid-19 Alert Level 4 as the first case of the Delta variant appeared

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kakapotahi views

Mist Opportunities

You may think that mist opportunities is a miss-spelling, and should be missed opportunities. In fact, it’s not wrong. Whenever you travel up or down the West Coast and back through Cental Otago via Haast Pass in dismal weather you

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