our three rescue dogs every dog matters

Every Dog Matters – And A Shift To Super Fast WPX Hosting

Update - 27 July 2022

After making a few minor tweaks to my website – primarily adjusting image dimensions and file sizes – website speed scores have improved immensely.

This is the first “100%” score apertureprioritynz.com has achieved for Performance Grade! And I’m happy with the 97% score for Structure too…but am especially happy with the 601ms load time.

A good result.

Those of you who follow my blog, my Facebook page or Instagram will know that Lyn and I have three dogs rehomed – or rescued – from the SPCA. You probably also know that for many years we volunteered at the SPCA – first driving the animal ambulance at weekends, then doing dog walking duties.

So to us – all dogs matter – as do all furry creatures in fact.

So, you may well ask, what has this go to do with my photoblog?

Simple answer…several months ago I stumbled on to a website called Every Dog Matters. It is a website for the largest open yard dog sanctuary in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe. The sanctuary is an animal foundation setup by WPX Hosting, also in Bulgaria.

WPX Hosting reportedly have the best web hosting available anywhere (check out the reviews on the web), and a portion of all web hosting fees go directly to Every Dog Matters by way of a donation. I wanted to be a part of this after breaking our ties with the SPCA here in our hometown, but procrastination held me back until just a few days ago I decided to take a leap of faith to help all these dogs in Eastern Europe – and get a better web host for my photoblog.

So – here we are – now hosted at WPX Hosting!

First impressions – WPX is bloody awesome. During the setup and changeover period from my old web host to WPX, WPX support was 6 stars out of 5! Nothing was too much trouble.

After setup, WPX migrated this site from my old host (at no charge), and after waiting for the site’s DNS to propogate, site performance was immediately noticeably much better, as the reports below show.

In addition to improved website performance, WPX offers a whole host (pun intended) of other top features, such as:

  • A free lightning-fast CDN (content delivery network);
  • Free malware detection and removal;
  • Free site speed optimisation;
  • 30 second support;
  • Free site migration;
  • Up to 5 websites on their smallest plan;
  • Staging area for website development;
  • 28 day backup;
  • Free SSL certificates;
  • Fantastic value-for-money web hosting.


Give them a try – I’m positive you can’t go wrong.

But don’t just take my word for it – read the reviews here on Trust Pilot.

And don’t forget to check out Every Dog Matters too.

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