Liverpool Football Club flying in my back garden.

Colour In The Garden

If you’ve visited my Facebook or Instagram pages in the past couple of days you would have seen one or two photographs I captured highlighting the wonderful colours still around as we head into Autumn proper.

The photos were almost “shot on the run” as I rushed around before the day lost the last of the sun. As a result of my frenzied dash I didn’t concentrate on the technicalities of getting the images right – I just clicked the shutter and ran on, so to speak.

It was also a little bit windy so the autofocus system of my camera struggled at times resulting in soft, un-sharp images. So I made the choice in post-processing to soften the images even further to try and give them a softer, ethereal look…in other words to conceal the poor photographic technique!

a poppy blowing in the wind
Blowing in the wind

Poppies appear to me to be such fragile flowers with their very thin petals, and long gangly stalks, but it never ceases to surprise me how well they withstand the winds that blow through our garden and live to show off another day.

A bit of a hangover
a red poppy well past its use by date
Well past its use-by date but still a great show of colour
single unripe lemon on the greenhouse
When life gives you a lemon…

There is still plenty of green and red in our greenhouse too. We still have tomatoes ripening on the vine although that process has slowed somewhat of late, so it looks like the green tomatoes, like the sole green lemon on the tree, will be going nowhere.

Having said that, we are still harvesting lettuce, broccoli and (somewhat tasteless now) strawberries from under cover.

green tomatoes in our greenhouse
No sign of ripening yet…
greenhouse tomatoes slowly ripening on the vine
Almost ready

From inside the greenhouse – across to the other side of the garden where a fuschia flower soaks up the last of the sun of the day,

a fuschia catching the last of the day's sunshine
Basking in the late sun
a rose by any other name
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet…
A touch of purple
A touch of purple

Time to move away from the beautiful colours of nature and see what other colours highlight our back garden. Rust colours are quite common!

peg basket under the clothesline
The peg basket

Thank goodness for ice cream containers. They make great peg baskets!

leaves on a rusty garden seat
Rust never sleeps

A combination of discoloured dying leaves and a discoloured rusting garden seat provide a bit of grunge colour.

dog collars drying over the garden fence

Earlier in the day our three dogs – Harvey, Baxter and Sam – had been for a long off-lead run at Oreti Sands Golf Course (no longer used), and as is the way with dogs, they managed to find dirty water in a pond that was not far from drying up totally. Hence, not only did the dogs get showered, but their collars also got scrubbed.

And…saving the best for last.

My Liverpool Football Club flag flies proudly against blue (Everton??) sky. Is mentioning the two Liverpool Premier League Clubs in the same sentence blasphemy? Probably….

Liverpool Football Club flying in my back garden.
The best football club in the world – Liverpool

For the record, all of the images were badly shot with my Panasonic Lumix G95 and 25mm lens, then given a quick tidy-up tweak in DxO Photolab, before being “softened” using Nik Color Efex Pro.

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